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              1. <blockquote id='p8hFh9'><q id='p8hFh9'><noscript id='p8hFh9'></noscript><dt id='p8hFh9'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='p8hFh9'><i id='p8hFh9'></i>
              2. Company Profile
              3. Management Team
              4. Functional Team
              5. SAB
              6. Vision & Mission
              7. Milestones
              8. Investors
              9. 2022
                In November,SIMR Biotech received 150 million Chinese Yuan C1 round of financing to accelerate product development and commercialization cooperation
                In June, the first subject administration was completed in the Chinese clinical trial of SR1375
                In May, SR419, a drug candidate with a novel mechanism of action for the treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain, was granted fast track designation (FTD) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (
                In December, SR419, the Company's first innovative drug to enter the clinical stage, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its international multi-center Phase II clinical st
                In October, it completed the B+ round financing of nearly RMB200 million led by Zhang Jiang Haocheng and Zhang Jiang Haoheng
                In October, the second drug candidate, SR1375, successfully completed its first dose group administration in Australia.
                In July, the China IND application for SR419, SIMR Biotech's first analgesic candidate, was approved by the implied license
                In February,SIMR Biotech Advisory Board (SAB) was established with the appointment of four internationally well-knowed pain experts.
                September-The first patient successfully dosed with the candidate drug SR419
                July-SIMR initiated the first-in-human study of candidate drug SR419 for peripheral neuropathic pain
                November - Received over 100 million RMB for A round of financing
                May - The SPF animal facilities passed the on-site audit
                May - SIMR received financial support from the Smart Manufacturing Industry in Lingang
                November - Received over ten millions RMB for Pre-A round of financing
                SIMR was granted as one of the "50 Best Startups with Highest Investment Potential in Shanghai"
                June-SIMR was supported by the 2015 Shanghai SME Innovation Fund
                March 6 - Shanghai SIMR Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai