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              1. <blockquote id='tUsu0d'><q id='tUsu0d'><noscript id='tUsu0d'></noscript><dt id='tUsu0d'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='tUsu0d'><i id='tUsu0d'></i>
                ABOUT SIMR
              2. Company Profile
              3. Management Team
              4. Functional Team
              5. SAB
              6. Vision & Mission
              7. Milestones
              8. Investors
              9. SIMR is an innovation-oriented biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery and development of new drugs for pain, inflammation, and central nervous system-related diseases. The company has a differentiated strategy to do translations, using patient data and animal models to create a standardized and comprehensive system to target discovery and precise clinical design. Since its establishment in 2014,  the company has developed its R&D platforms, with a facility of more than 3,000 square meters and comprehensive drug development capabilities such as compound screening, CMC research, preclinical evaluation, and clinical development. There are diversified pipelines comprising clinical stage investigational therapies and preclinical assets to with huge potential on epilepsy, major depressive disorder and Alzheimer’s disease. Headquartered in Shanghai, China, and has branches in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Australia, and the United States.