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                Press Releases
              2. Expanded Access Policy
              3. Press Releases
              4. Shanghai SIMR Biotech received 150 million Chinese Yuan C1 round of financing to accelerate product development and commercialization cooperation


                On November 8, 2022, Shanghai SIMR Biotech (here in after referred to as "SIMR Bio " or the "Company") announced that it has obtained a C1 round of financing of 150 million Chinese Yuan and a bank loan of tens of millions of yuan. This round of financing was co-invested by Guanzi Venture Capital, Tianrui Fengnian and Yixing Huarui. The financing funds are planned to be used to accelerate clinical trials for multiple projects in the company's R&D pipeline, as well as preclinical development of subsequent projects. Since its establishment in 2014, the company has successively received investment from many well-known institutions such as Shenzhen Capital, Cowin capital, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, GF Xinde investment, Efung Capital , Gaolin Capital and Fontus Capital. The company's value has been gradually recognized by the capital market.


                About the Company

                SIMR Bio is an innovation-oriented biotechnology company of global presence and dedicated to the discovery and development of new drugs for pain, inflammation, and central nervous system related diseases, with the mission of relieving the pain and improving the quality of life of patients. The company is headquartered in Shanghai, China, and has branches in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Australia, and the United States.